Manage Subscription

Subscription status


1. When subscription is active:

The Subscription Status is shown as Active when the Transaction is Successfully done. Even when the Transaction Status is Disputed or Dispute Resolved then too the Subscription Status will be shown as Active( i.e. the plan is still working). The Active Subscription will not have a Delete Option and cannot be removed from the Subscription list.

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2. When Subscription Is Cancelled:

The Subscription Status is shown as Cancelled when the End Date is Given. The Subscription Status will be shown as Cancelled only on the date the plan ends. The Cancelled Subscription will not have a Delete Option and cannot be removed from the Subscription list.

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Customer will receive an email when the subscription was cancelled

When the customer cancels the the subscription, He/She will receive an e-mail about the cancelled plan and the date of the cancellation via mail as shown in the below image.

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3. When Subscription Is Not-Started:

The Subscription Status is shown as Not Started when the Transaction falls under the mentioned Transaction Status.

  • In progress
  • Pending
  • Failure
  • Refund
  • Refund
  • Resolved
  • Cancel
  • Other
  • Dispute Cancel
  • Blocked
  • Incomplete

The Not Started Subscription will have a Delete Option and can be removed from the Subscription list.

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