After the Payment

Handle webhook events


Triggering actions with webhooks

How to use webhooks to respond to offline payment events.

A webhook is an HTTP endpoint that receives events from Stripe.

Webhooks allow you to be notified about payment events that happen outside of your payment flow such as:

  • Successful payments (payment_intent.succeeded)
  • Disputed payments (charge.dispute.created)
  • Available balance in your Stripe account (balance.available)

You can use the Dashboard for one-off actions like refunding a payment or updating a customer’s information, while webhooks help you scale your payments integration and process large volumes of business-critical events.

Build your own webhook

You can build a webhook handler on your own server to manage all your offline payment flows. Start by exposing an endpoint that can receive requests from Stripe and use the CLI to locally test your integration. Each request from Stripe contains an Event object with a reference to the object on Stripe that was modified.