After the Payment

Payout reconciliation

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Know which transactions are included in a given payout.

Sending funds from your Stripe available balance to your bank account generates a payout object. Automatic payouts occur routinely according to your payout schedule and can include funds from multiple transactions.

Stripe provides the following ways to review the transactions included in an automatic payout:

  • Open a payout in the Stripe Dashboard.
  • View or download the payout reconciliation report.
  • Retrieve the payout details through the Stripe API as documented in this guide.

1 Find the Payout ID

You need a payout’s id (po_xxx) to retrieve information about the payout’s transactions. To get it:

  • Listen to the payout.reconciliation_completed webhook event.
  • Call List Payouts to review a list of payouts.
  • Retrieve it from your own database.

You could retrieve the Payout to access its properties, but this won’t include the individual transactions that make up the total amount.

2 List Balance Transactions

Every funds movement in or out of your Stripe account creates a BalanceTransaction. Pass the payout ID in your list BalanceTransaction request to filter the results by only transactions associated with that payout.

3 Expand balance transaction resources

The source property of each BalanceTransaction identifies the underlying object representing the transaction type, such as ch_xxx for a Charge or re_xxx for a Refund. To retrieve these objects without making extra API calls, update the previous code using expand.