E-mail server settings
Choose your SMTP mail server like (i.e. Amazon (SES) ),Send Grid o r MailChimp as the service provider for your SMTP mail server.
Video tutorial for setting SMTP server:
Go to Menu → Settings → configurations → E-mail Server Settings
You can check the image as shown below:
- From E-mail - Specify the "From E-mail". This will be used as "From E-mail".
- CC E-mail - Specify the CC E-mail.
- SMTP Host - Specify the hostname or IP address of your SMTP mail server. Eg.
- SMTP Port - The SMTP port number, usually 25 for SMTP or 465 for SMTPS, either of which are assumed if this field is left blank.
- Username - SMTP host requires authentication, specify the username of these authentication credentials here.
- Password - Specify the password associated with the username you specified above.
- TLS Switch - Default TLS check will be stored as "No". If it doesn't work. Switch to "Yes" and try again.
For send grid :
Host Name: " " is you host name
Port Number: 587 is your default port
User name: api key is your user name
Password: Api keys which is generated will be applied in "Password"
Note : Test mail will be sent once your SMTP settings are verified. If not, error message will be displayed.
Updated 29 Dec 2023
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