Avalara AvaTax for [MYFUNDBOX]
- Go to [Configuration] > [Integration] > [Tax]
- Click [Get Started]
- Click [Next]
- Select Mode: [Live Mode (Production) / Sandbox Mode]
- Then Click [Next]
- Enter your Avalara AvaTax Credentials :
- Account Number: Provided During AvaTax account activation process.
- Software Licence Key: Provided During AvaTax account activation process.
- Click the Test Connect Button
Once connected, you see additional settings
- Enable Document Committing / Submission – Enables tax document submission to Avalara’s AvaTax service for record keeping. With this setting enabled, transactions will be posted and committed to the AvaTax Admin Console.
- Enable Logging – Log detailed transaction activity for troubleshooting purposes.
- Company Code/ID: Company profile identifier in the AvaTax Admin Console (Select the appropriate company code from the drop-down to connect with MYFUNDBOX.
*Then Click [Next] button to complete the connection.
- Navigate to “My Profile”
- Enter the Address details (Street No , Area and locality)
- Enter “House No” and “Zip-Code”
- Enter City and Country
- Click save Button.
* “My Profile” option can be seen at the top right corner while selecting the profile dropdown. * The Address details available in the Profile page can be considered as “From - Address".
- Go to [Plans] > [Add Plan]
- Enter the required details like Plane name, Amount, type, Currency.
- Select the “Product Code” from the dropdown and Type (Exclusive/Inclusive).
- The customer can select the tax code from the list as per their product category
- Click Save.
- To see a listing of all available AvaTax System tax codes, click (http://taxcode.avatax.avalara.com)
- Navigate to Checkout-page using the URL available in Plans page for particular plan
- Enter the customer's name, email-id, phone number and card details
- Then enter the street details in “Address line1”
- Enter the house number and other details in “Address line2”
- Enter City and Country to validate the address
- Once the address is validated, the tax will be calculated and shown on the left side of the checkout page.
- Click “Pay-Now” option to Initiate the payment.
- After the successful transaction, the customer will receive invoice via mail
- If the transaction is initiated using the Ava-Tax, it can be mentioned in the Invoice Pdf as below,
- To disconnect Avalara account from MYFUNDBOX
- Navigate to [Configuration]>[Integrations]> [Tax].
- Click “More-Info”.
- Click “Delete” option to disconnect Avalara account from MYFUNDBOX.
- Navigate to [configuration]->[Integrations]->[tax]
- click "more-info"
- Avalara account details will be shown , then click "Avalara-Logs"
- In Avalara logs page , you can download log for a particular date range by selecting from and to date's from calendar and then click "click here to download" button
- to download log for a particular customer , enter the customer -id in "Search Customer id " filed , then select date range and click "click here to download".